.....the contents of....
WOW what a wide range of ideas and interpretations we had for Dare 46. I went for 'The Contents of My Imagination' which turned out to be a very strange, dreamlike place of fairy tales! This wasn't the layout I had in mind originally. At first I was going to have thought bubbles for everyone with their favourite things inside but I was inspired by Basic Grey Phoebe paper I had sitting on my desk. I had it in mind to make each one of us into a character that suited a part of our personalities but this was going to be secondary. The characters were such fun that they became the focus of the layout!
'The Tall Blonde One' is a boy of nature and a tall bean seemed very appropriate!
'The Boy with the Hair' loves all super heroes and even as I type he is being 'Ben 10' upstairs!
'Little Miss Acorn' hadthe option of being a bird, but the fairy one out and I think it suits her perfectly.
I was of course 'Momma Hen' with the Curly 'Whirly Tail'.
After initial fear of drawing freehand on the paper I went for it and found it very easy. The strawberries and strawberry flowers followed quite naturally from there.
Looking at the layout now I realise that I've produced a look that is very close to one of my favourite artists, Gyo Fujikawa. She illustrated my VERY first book, a nursery rhyme book and I always loved the Old Lady Who Lived in the Shoe. She had strawberry runners all over that page and I loved counting the berries!
Funny how these influences will out all those years later!!
Patterned Paper: Basic Grey
Other: Various QuicKutz Dies and Revolution Dies.