I was there at the beginning of the Klutz beadling craze a few years back LOL- we made beadlings, swapped beadlings, sought out new and unusual beadling patterns. We found bead shops online with which to feed our addiction and we had mountains of beadlings. I used beadlings on cards, layouts and gave them as gifts. 'The Blond One' learnt to make them and we'd sit together with our wire,Klutz book and beads and happily beadle away!!
Then the craze passed and the wire, beads and Klutz book went back in the cupboard!
Making the Dotee Dolls has renewed my love of beads and as my bead supplies have been depleted I felt a shopping trip was in order. When I say shopping trip DON'T imagine I love shopping or anything- the thought of schlepping around all day searching the shops for the right item fills me with horror!! I am however an expert at Google searches and online shopping!
So I toddled around looking for some sparkle and returned to my Beadling Craze stomping ground of
Beads Unlimited a lovely shop with great prices, service and products!
Anyway on my travels through Cyberland on my way to Beads Unlimited I passed through a couple of other great bead shops and noticed these beauties

Miyuki Kits are available at various shops including the Ebay Shop
Thread-A-Bead or just Google Miyuki Mascot Kits to find them! Looking forward to mine arriving!