Here he is now he's now 14 weeks old and he's been part of the family 6 weeks although it seems like he's been here forever!! He's settled in so nicely and he and Willow get on like a house on fire- it's just wonderful!
When we got back from our morning walk (Willow, Me, my pal Lorraine and her doggie Freddie) Willow had a distinct aroma that was not at all pleasant. This is ho she looked

*sigh* so it was straight into the shower for her!! I have to say she's VERY good about just standing there and letting me wash her off and rinse her down! My lovely CLEAN girl now!!!
And as Rowdy came o see what was going on he had a quick shower down too as he'd been in the crate in the car with the stink (whatever the heck it was!) better safe than sorry!!! This is actually Rowdy's second shower. He tried to escape this time but I found I have a new skill- catching soaking wet beagle pups with my knees- maybe one day this will be an Olympic sport and I will be there!!!
This is Willow (clean and shiny) the other week enjoying the dregs from the peanut butter jar- sun and a peanut butter jar makes for Beagle Heaven!!!